
Do you want to come face to face with an English speaking patient with confidence knowing that you can communicate important medical issues? Well then, this textbook is for you! Each chapter is presented with easy to understand content, plenty of explanations, and examples.

Learning a language includes reading, writing, listening, and speaking and all of these skills are included in the textbook. The nurse needs to understand what the patient is trying to communicate about their medical problem but also be able to give clear instructions to the patient about their treatment. In order for you to accomplish this, each chapter has reading and writing exercises, and also has multiple opportunities to practice speaking by participating in dialogues that have useful expressions that are often used by patients.

Having an English conversation with an English speaking patient can be a frightening and frustrating experience for both the nurse and the patient, but using this textbook will ensure that both the nurse and the patient will have a satisfying experience. Enjoy learning and communicating in English.


Margaret Raye RN(米国看護師資格)

米国の様々な医療現場において、20年以上看護師として第一線で活躍する。 医療英語教授法資格及び、国際的な英語教師資格を取得。現在は当協会の看護英語教育プログラム全般の監修並びに専任教師として従事する。